Will WCPSS Superintendent and Senior Staff Ever Be Held Accountable by the Board of Education?
At the November 2018 Student Achievement Committee (SAC) meeting, senior staff employees of the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) provided an update to the Board of Education (BoE) and therefore, also to the public. The update was about several new curriculums WCPSS staff were in the process of rolling out, including the OpenUp Resources (aka OUR, Math 6-8), Mathematics Vision Project (aka MVP, Math 1,2,3) and English Language Education (aka EL, Grades 3-8).
As I understand it, the purpose of the SAC is ostensibly to inform the BoE (and the public) about how decisions being made by WCPSS staff are working (ie. achievement) for students.
While I'm sure the roles and responsibilities of the BoE are defined in an official policy somewhere, in layman's terms, I understand that, at a minimum, the BoE has the
responsibility of assuring that:
- the superintendent is doing his/her job in leading the WCPSS organization in providing sound education to ALL the students in the district, and
- funds provided by taxpayers are being managed and spent appropriately.
Therefore, the BoE is fully within its right (and responsibility) to thoroughly question WCPSS implementation decisions, progress, status, and effectiveness. And the staff and superintendent
truthful and
transparent and
thorough when presenting such information.
THAT IS HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK. Doing so otherwise degrades BoE and public trust when contradictions are discovered. Any goodwill that would otherwise lead to patience and support during challenges is eroded. And worse, these misleading actions can potentially be harmful to students. That is because a lack of accountability leads to a lack of awareness, a lack of input, a lack of representation, and a lack of improvement, and pouring good money after bad.
It is my opinion that purposefully omitting negative news from such a presentation should be grounds for dismissal, or at a minimum, punishment (not an award as was recently given to one of the involved staff). That's how it works in the business world.
How can our BoE provide OVERSIGHT and ACCOUNTABILITY and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY when they do not have all the facts? They can't.
Unfortunately, in Wake County, NC, the only decisions, progress, status, and effectiveness presented by WCPSS staff to the BoE (and the public) are the ones the staff wants them to hear about - and those are the sugar coated positive ones.
Our Board of Education is being played for fools by the WCPSS superintendent and senior staff - and it continues to this day, despite the many warnings from other parents and me.
It's worth noting the chain of command in the public school ecosystem:
- The BoE is elected by the public (ie. parents / taxpayers / citizens) and is therefore accountable to them.
- The superintendent is accountable to the BoE (hiring, firing, appraising, etc)
- And the staff is accountable to the superintendent (hiring, firing, appraising, etc)
Therefore, in my eyes, WCPSS staff is ultimately accountable to the parents / taxpayers / citizens. That's the transitive property in action!
I have laid all this basic information out lest the WCPSS superintendent or staff or the BoE forget who they ultimately work for, and that is ME and YOU.
The purpose of this blog post is to expose how egregiously
our elected school Board (and public) was duped by WCPSS senior staff at the November 19, 2018 SAC meeting. Why does this matter since the meeting was over a year ago? Because in many cases, these are the same people who said parent complaints were "few" and "isolated" while public records requests exposed emails which showed otherwise. These are the same people who ran the curriculum review committee denying parent complaints about MVP. These are the same people who neglected to provide updates to the very same cherry-picked data set for the November 2018 SAC when the 2019 achievement results declined - SIGNIFICANTLY. These are the same people (with degrees in Education and/or Psychology - NOT MATH or STATISTICS or a STEM field) who provided at least 6 excuses to media about why WCPSS performance data for 2019 is not worth fretting over. And these are the same people who handled MGT as they performed their independent review which concluded WCPSS should stay the course with MVP. (MGT report available at
But now there is KARMA. Ironically, MGT also inadvertently provided a solid rebuke of MVP. Because, in their effort to save face for not sharing the thousands of comments submitted by parent survey-takers, MGT stated that 7 major changes are needed to make MVP palatable in WCPSS. One parent described it as "adding a curriculum to a curriculum." In fact, MGT reached the same conclusions that teachers reached in 2017-2018 and parents in 2019:
There are significant issues with MVP in WCPSS. Teachers named the issues. Parents named the issues. And now, finally, MGT has named the issues.
These issues, as documented by comments first surfaced by scores of experienced teachers in 2017-18, were
completely omitted from the November 2018 SAC meeting. So the problems in Year 1 of MVP surfaced by teachers were ignored. Likewise, the Board members who were echoing their own concerns and feedback from parents at that meeting were ignored. The problems in Year 2 of MVP confirmed by parents were ignored. And now we're halfway through Year 3 of MVP, with a punch-list of the
same issues - this time documented by MGT!
So again, why does this matter? Because, as I and other parents have said numerous times in the past year, parents have significant issues trusting the WCPSS superintendent and her staff. And the BoE should be equally skeptical. Here is the evidence. Behold...
MVP Math 1 in WCPSS was rolled out beginning Fall 2017. In November 2018, teachers and students were well into Year 2 of Math 1, and Year 1 of Math 2 and 3 (in over 50% of schools for Math 3).
At the subject SAC meeting November 19, 2018, Staff leaders Dr. Denise Tillery and Michelle Tucker presented the MVP portion of the meeting.
Present at the meeting were:
- Voting Members
- Ms. Roxie Cash, Board Member
- Mr. Bill Fletcher, Board Member & Committee Member
- Ms. Monika Johnson-Hostler, Board Member
- Ms. Christine Kushner, Board Member & Committee Member
- Dr. Jim Martin, Chair
- Mr. Keith Sutton, Vice Chair & Committee Chair
- Lindsay Mahaffey, Committee Vice Chair
- Non-Voting Members
- Edward McFarland, chief Academic Advancement Officer
- Ms. Cathy Moore, Superintendent & Staff Representative
The first 22 minutes of the meeting seems to cover the general notions behind both OpenUp and MVP and discovery / investigatives type math. Then there is an 8 minute video about OpenUp (which is cut short by 2 minutes) and that ends around he 30 minute mark. The ensuing discussion seems to continue the thread of discovery math in general, as the points discussed apply to MVP just as much as OpenUp. Around the 48 minute mark, the focus is on the MVP charts exclusively until 53:44 when the topic switches to EL.
Here are the relevant charts about MVP. There is one data chart and two charts with teacher comments.

Here are the MVP-related meeting minutes for the November 2018 SAC as published by WCPSS:
highlighting is mine)
- Began with an overview of the new curriculum in Math and Literacy.
- Grades 6 to 8 are using Open Up resources, align to the NC Standards.
- Resources are available for teachers in books and online.
- Curriculums provide additional resources for parents and can be found on school websites.
- Schools are encouraged to have Parent Nights, so parents can be provided resources.
- Facilitative practices will focus on conceptual understanding, engage students and help to explain the “why”.
- The long-term goal is to have academic gains for all students – high growth.
- The new curriculums allow flexibility with regard to teacher practice and student learning experience.
- Math 1, 2, 3 are implementing.
- Sonia Dupree, 9-12 Math Senior Administrator, explained that we are in the process of talking with DPI on rollout of revising the Math 4 standards.
- The feedback from teachers and students is positive, they like and understand MVP.
Do all those highlights sound true?
- Were additional resources provided? No. Not until the curriculum review committee recommended a website in the summer of 2019. Is that enough? No.
- Did schools have parent nights? No. In fact, perpetual school board member Bill Fletcher was "very concerned" about Green Hope having one.

- Are there gains for all students? No. Declines - based on 2019 data. And we're losing ground to state, AND achievement gaps are widening! See 2019 Citizen’s Report on NC DPI Data for WCPSS
- Are teachers allowed flexibility? Some were. Some weren't. Some disobeyed. Some obeyed. Many were threatened. MVP certainly hasn't "equalized" the teaching experience as was stated when the prior "curriculum" was deemed irregular, and inconsistently applied.
- Was all feedback from teachers and students positive? No way. See below.
Let's Talk About the Two Comment Charts First
Here is the transcription of the audio where the comment charts are mentioned:
Michelle Tucker (52:49) "So just to end with the feedback, just to give you some quotes from teachers as a result of the training and surveys that they have taken to the end of their professional learning as they've had time over the course of the year to implement the new resource last year, and then both math two and three teachers this year. So just bolded some things of words like to stick out to you that students are flourishing, we're seeing an increase in independent thinking. They're making connections now between courses to students who actually participated in math 1 last year now in math 2 the teachers can really see those kind of connections with that focus on conceptual knowledge being able to explore problems through multiple representations. So the feedback that we're hearing from teachers and students is very exciting. We just know we need to continue to support parents in the community and understand the change that we're experiencing."
My questions were these:
- Were those comments as shown on the chart in quotation marks actually captured in teacher surveys anywhere?
- Were there any other (perhaps negative) comments that were omitted?
On 12/17/2019, I received a response to a public records request seeking all the teacher survey feedback about MVP training and implementation. All 23 of the files received are posted here, but below I will only discuss a few of them in order to establish that there was a significant amount of negative feedback which WCPSS senior staff omitted from the November 2018 SAC meeting. This is a LIE OF OMISSION, in my viewpoint, and someone should be held accountable.
And before I begin discussing the negatives, I want to also note that I did not find any of the TEN positive comments cited on the SAC charts within the 23 files. I searched for several of the comments chosen at random, but quit searching after not finding any of the ones for which I searched. An inquiry about this sent to WCPSS Communications Leader Tim Simmons on 12/17/19 has not been answered as of 1/7/2020. So I am not sure if the positive comments were actual quotes, or paraphrased (aka wordsmithed) based on some of the actual positive quotes, or just made up based on the standard MVP talking points. Does it matter? Yes - it does. The charts shown at the SAC meeting included 10 positive comments, displayed with quotation marks. That means that someone either said or wrote exactly what was in the quotes. But I cannot find ANY of them in the public records.
I selected a few of the survey responses which were captured soon before the November 2018 SAC meeting. There is NO EXCUSE for omitting comments in the August - November timeframe from a November 19 meeting. NO. EXCUSE.
And by the way, these are not generic whining comments like "I don't like MVP." They are specific detailed issues and feedback, which teachers identified with the expectation that their comments would be addressed with tangible actions. Not ignored, only to be surfaced by parents and a $125k consultant in the following year.
- What support do you feel that you need to successfully implement MVP into your Math 2 classroom?
- need an extra planning period daily to be most thoroughly prepared to teach with MVP materials (to complete problems in advance, to review teacher notes, to check student work)
Training Date: September 10 & 12, 2018
- What would have made Day 3 even better?
- I would like the teacher notes to have things like examples from these trainings for helping us know what to bring out during specifically the first task or two of the units.
- Moving slower. It went a little too fast and I was still trying to process task while people were discussing.
- How to modify the process for really low level students
- Some of the stuff didn’t seem to cover the NC math 2 standards.
- What support do you feel that you need to successfully implement MVP into your Math 2 classroom?
- I can work through the tasks myself but I have a hard time bringing out all that they want us to bring out.
- more days... too much material to fit into a standard semester in High School
- Supplemental practice worksheets with answer keys
- More classroom supplies, maybe a little bit more time for a unit. Also noticed that when tasks are skipped from their units it’s hard to make connections for students.
- Examples
- More time to learn
- Books and supplemental resources
- more supplemental videos for students
- The developing tasks are where I feel the most uncomfortable. They are the ones that stress me out. Also, the pacing guide provided isn't great. Being told spend six days on a unit without a suggested idea of what to cover on each day makes long term planning difficult.
- What to do when you fall behind?
- I need to have a better timeline and a better idea of what we really need them to understand. For example, the depth we are going into some of this seems much deeper than our students will get. If they do not get deep enough, will they get what we need them to get by the end.
- Complete teacher's support material would help me effectively implement MVP math 2.
- More helpful test bank and additional resources for extra practice for struggling students and additional practice for the high achievers.
- Additional Comments
- I enjoy this curriculum. However, I am very concerned with time. I feel like I am flying in the classroom. My students are getting frustrated because they feel like we are flying too.
Training Date: September 27, 2018
- What support do you feel that you need to successfully implement MVP into your Math 2 classroom?
- provide more supplemental notes including warm up and homework
- Support for students that are not at grade level.
- Extra practice, gauging the lessons to allow for time in class to do practice after the tasks
- Additional Comments
- Identifying quadratic patterns is a math 1 standard. We have so many other quadratic related standards to cover in math 2 so we don’t have Time to cover this for an entire unit. A lot of the MVP math 2 stuff is not aligned to NC math 2
- What would have made Day 4 even better?
- Questions and concerns regarding some material in Math 2 and our final exam as well as standards were not answered to the group
- Honestly, I don’t find these trainings helpful. The focus of these 2 modules is not even a big component of what is on their NCFE.
- A transparent conversation about how we as teachers can understand the benefits of the change in curriculum.
- more implementation on delivery than the math itself- we know the math we need help on extra resources and delivery
- Not spending 2 hours on one task that the students have to do in 1.5 hours
- Additional Comments
- I like MVP but I feel unprepared to teach the rest of this semester
- Not differentiated for students who struggle in math.
- Personally, I’ve liked all module books used for Math 2 thus far. However starting with Unit 6, I do not think the modules are very good. Units 6-9 skim the surface but don’t allow students to do the problems they will see on the NCFE. I also wish MVP gave us more review material for the students to study for their tests.
- MVP needs more than four days and needed to be done well before the expected year of implementation- practice is needed at this and parents are not ok with us practicing with their child's math 2 year
- Frustrating that it took 2 hours to do a task that is supposed to be completed in 1 block.
Hundreds of comments from this teacher survey were submitted in October - November 2018, prior to the SAC meeting. Here are some select charts and comments from that survey that you didn't hear WCPSS staff talk about. Ever.
In Q8, it looks like teachers are pretty evenly split between "Definitely" and "Somewhat" when it comes to how well MVP provides scaffolds and extensions for Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) students. However, English Language Learners, over 50% answered "Not at All." NO BUENO! Struggling students: You better hope your teacher supplements because over 40% of them don't think MVP provides resources to help you.
Q9 asks about time management and whether teachers have enough of it to differentiate instructions with these news MVP resources. Looks like almost 57% either disagree or strongly disagree that they will. Certainly block scheduling exasperates this problem in Wake County.
"Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing."
-- Miles Davis
Q13 is a sad commentary on what MVP has done to teachers' perspectives on using their own creativity and flexibility when teaching. Imagine if in your own job you were like the 62% of these teachers who felt they are handcuffed in how they prepare and plan their lessons.
And now, for the write-in comments:
I have color coded these as follows:
- green: comment is mostly positive
- red: comment is mostly negative
- orange: comment has some positive + negative
- black: comment is neutral
Note: typos have been left as-is.
I strongly recommend you read every one of these comments in their entirety. Especially the red ones because WCPSS has already told us about the few green ones which they extrapolated to represent ALL teachers in the November 2018 SAC.
These comments are a damning rebuke of MVP from the stakeholders who know it the best - teachers.
Additionally, these quotes are being packaged into individual graphics and are available on the public Facebook page:
Actual WCPSS Math Teacher Feedback about MVP
Q14 Do you have any comments, questions, or concerns about the new curriculum implementation?
1 no 11/20/2018 11:58 PM
2 My concern is that the curriculum does not fully align with the Math I standards and seems better
suited for a middle school student taking the course.
11/19/2018 1:00 PM
3 Though I can see what the program is meant to do, and support it, as someone who is special ed I
have a hard time following the curriculum myself when I push into classrooms. The students that I
work with seem to be more confused than before. They need a lot of extra attention and time to
keep them focused during the lesson.
11/19/2018 12:38 PM
4 There just isn't enough time to cover everything. I feel like the students have a better
understanding of how math works but with little time in class after the lessons to work on the
ready/set/gos, the students will have trouble on a standardized test, which is how they are
assessed by the state. I love MVP, but a multiple choice standardized test does not fit MVP at all.
11/19/2018 6:06 AM
5 I work at Phillips High and we serve a population of students that are academically behind. The
tasks are really good for them and give them an opportunity to approach a problem in their own
way, which makes them feel more comfortable. We do have to supplement with more specific
skills practice (i.e. IXL, activities), but we use the tasks as they have been designed. I'm a big fan!
11/18/2018 11:57 PM
6 The new curriculum is a great tool, but I don't believe that it a primary source to support students
for the NC Math 1 EOC
11/18/2018 11:20 PM
7 MVP Curriculum needs more resources for ESL students. 11/18/2018 5:46 PM
8 Great material, but directive from county that we must follow exactly deters teachers from
differentiating. MUST be more flexible on county level
11/17/2018 11:26 AM
9 The new curriculum is not at the level of the non honors students. Many of the units in Math 3 are
messy and jumbled and don’t align correctly. Non honors students struggle to reach this level.
There is too much curriculum and does not allow teachers time to reteach and review concepts as
needed to meet the needs of their students.
11/16/2018 11:16 PM
10 What about the struggling learners? 11/16/2018 11:08 PM
11 Math 1 seems to be more aligned with the NC standards than Math 2. In discussions with High
School teachers, there seems to be more supplementing with other resources in Math 2 than
Math 1.
11/16/2018 9:34 PM
12 My students have struggled the entire semester with the MVP materials. They are not aligned with
the Math 1 EOC. There is not enough practice. The students will not participate nor do they want
to interact with each other. ELL kids cannot read the materials. I also have a really hard time with
classes sitting at almost 30. I have a lot of kids failing. It is frustrating and I feel like I can't do
anything else because we do not have time. I also do not like the order and the first unit is
11/16/2018 9:33 PM
13 none 11/6/2018 8:45 PM
14 I will me teaching an ICR section of Math II in the Spring, possibly. 11/6/2018 7:03 PM
15 There is no space/time for me to help my struggling students. It's expected that they master the
topics in 1.5 hrs and thats it. No revisit. Even going over the homework, I won't have time for my
students to do the lesson for that day. We either need less material or more time for academic
11/6/2018 6:54 PM
16 8th graders are not prepared for Math 1, Plus classes are not able to fully cover what is needed to
in 3 years condensed into 2 years. Only a fraction of students should be in Math 1
11/6/2018 5:13 PM
17 I am very concerned regarding the reading level required. I am also concerned over the order of
the curriculum. In addition, while I do very much like some tasks, I think many of them are beyond
the scope of our curriculum and not enough are focused on the actual topics that students need to
be successful in higher math. Being reprimanded for "not teaching MVP to fidelity" means, by
default, that teachers are given NO choice in what we feel is best for our students. What happened
to PBL?
11/6/2018 4:18 PM
18 I believe the new curriculum forces one teaching style (the investigative approach), and it needs to
be supplemented. From now on, please allow at least a couple of years of training prior to the
implementation of a new curriculum. It's not that the entire MVP is not effective. Effective teachers
use the investigative approach as "one" approach to teaching/learning. Forcing teachers to
exclusively teach with that approach diminishes expertise and creates anxiety within the
classroom. If you know there are students who need direct and explicit instruction will you not
provide it? Last but not least, I believe that students definitely need to develop perseverance and
grit and I see tremendous value in that approach, however my concern is two fold. I want to grow
students as well as teachers! Providing adequate training for teachers, common sense
organization of topics, NOT restricting to one teaching/learning style, and faith that teachers will do
what is best for students is what is necessary to grow teachers and students.
11/6/2018 4:10 PM
19 The curriculum is not built for struggling learners or students who do not have foundational skills.
It's written on a level that does not meet the needs of students with learning disabilities
11/6/2018 3:40 PM
20 My 7th grade students are lacking in 7th and 8th grade math skills and the MVP workbook is
entirely over their heads.
11/4/2018 7:28 PM
21 Just want more practice problems like the EOC. 11/1/2018 8:02 PM
22 Most special educators did not participate in the roll out training. It's a change in philosophy that
needs to come from participation in the training to support students through intervention.
10/31/2018 5:11 PM
23 I am still seeking out ways to provide enrichment opportunities as an AIG teacher. 10/31/2018 4:03 AM
24 no 10/31/2018 1:59 AM
25 Thank you for all you've done to implement the new curriculum. 10/30/2018 10:39 PM
26 My students posted great growth with the new curriculum. I have no concerns. 10/30/2018 9:20 PM
27 I love a lot of the activities in the MVP books. However, it is the same thing every day. Teaching
Math 1 on the block all I have time for is the book. My students are sick of opening the book to a
new paragraph problem to work. I used to do matching activities, mobile activities, to mix it up and
keep the students engaged, so they were not always doing the same thing. My daughter is in math
1 this year and I have heard the same complaint from her. Also, I teach quite a few low and ESL
kids and the book overwhelms them. It is a struggle to get them to try. With these students MVP on
a block is a big struggle and it is getting harder to keep them motivated as the semester
progresses. I have a large portion of my class that had four math teachers their 8th grade year and
are really struggling. I can not find the time to remediate as I move through the course because I
am tied to the book. I would like some flexibility to meet the needs of my students.
10/30/2018 7:48 PM
28 The pacing is too fast for ELL and EC students. 10/30/2018 6:34 PM
29 I personally did not think that this curriculum nor the money spent on it was necessary. It actually
constricted me, because I had to teach out of the "normal" order that I would choose to teach.
10/30/2018 5:21 PM
30 I have only attended the training. I do not teach Math 2 until the Spring 2019. 10/30/2018 4:31 PM
31 The new curriculum was rolled out without it being finished. It seems that no one looked at the
packets to decide the order of them. Why are we doing geometry in the first two units and then not
again until unit 7. Also the geometry units seem out of order. Unit 1, unit 7 then unit 2 makes a lot
more sense. There is not enough practice in the packets which causes teachers to have to spend
more time, and more paper print things out. Test and quizzes are not testing the lessons well. By
giving us this curriculum you have given us even more work to do instead of less.
10/30/2018 3:30 PM
32 NO 10/30/2018 3:10 PM
33 Freshmen are not skill ready to collaborate and as an ICR teacher I think this is a skill that has to
be taught and trained. They do not do well with collaboration.
10/30/2018 3:03 PM
34 It is unrealistic to expect teachers to be able to work through all new material and plan to
incorporate skills-based assignments without knowing the complete sequence of the MVP material.
Teachers do not have time to adequately prepare to teach all of the concepts in a course while
learning how to teach with MVP and figure out the concepts that are missing/hidden somewhere
else/randomly appear and expect students to succeed. There is little to no room for technology,
topics that are not in our standards are addressed in multiple workbooks, answer keys have
incorrect answers, and the trainings are useless!!
10/29/2018 10:21 PM
35 Good discovery lessons, but not enough practice on basic skills. I had to teach honors students
how to multiply fractions and solve for a variable. It's frustrating that I can't push them forward for
having to re-teach basic concepts in which they should be confident as high schoolers. I feel like
I'm having to "connect a lot of dots" for them.
10/29/2018 10:05 PM
36 -There is no review guide (for tests) included the curriculum. -The quizzes are too short. -Students
are expected to remember material from previous math courses with little to no review before
jumping into new content. -Need more practice of new content. 1-2 problems is not enough for
them. This is new material, and they need to show they can do it in various representations.
10/29/2018 7:16 PM
37 It is often unclear how the activities relate to the standards and what the students are supposed to
be learning. There is little guidance or examples for the students. The problems do not give
adequate practice. Some of the learning/collaboration activities are good, but overall it is difficult to
adequately address the standards and give students sufficient instruction and practice.
10/23/2018 5:43 PM
38 One concern is that the activities take longer than a day to complete on several occasions. 10/23/2018 4:38 PM
39 Math 1 needs to be a mandatory year long course for high school students. With a year long
course, students have the opportunity to practices skill sets on the "off" day of the tasks...and not
rush right back into a new task. Question 13 asks can we be creative and flexible with preparing
the lesson? Aren't we suppose to follow the teacher notes? So that's not a valid question.
However, I love the teacher notes! I do follow most of it.
10/23/2018 2:10 PM
40 Love it! 10/23/2018 2:05 PM
41 Based on the students that I have worked with from other schools they seem to struggle with the
connections in the Math 2 and Math 3 curriculums
10/23/2018 2:04 PM
42 The SETs sometimes lack context. The GOs are too all over the place. The READYs should be
placed more strategically. Some Tasks are far stretches to connections.
10/23/2018 1:48 PM
43 The lack of flexibility may come from the directions received at training. We are told not to deviate from the lessons, trust the material. Some teachers are adhering to that specifically and not
changing to meet needs. On the other hand, at a recent training we were 'given permission' to
adjust. As a more seasoned teacher I feel confident to do what needs to be done to meet the
needs of students in my classroom but that is not the consistent message being delivered.
10/23/2018 1:31 PM
44 Not enough practice within the task and homework too many mistakes in the materials choppy, not
10/23/2018 1:13 PM
45 I have issues with the answer keys. I was thrown Math 1 last minute and while I have the
mathematical ability, there are SO many mistakes in the teacher answers that I'm worried that I
am not teaching some of the details correctly. I'm spending extra time looking up proper answers
and notation- something some teachers won't' be. It is ridiculous that there are so many mistakes
into year 2 that were caught last year.
10/23/2018 12:56 PM
46 I have found that so far the resources are fairly appropriate for my honors level students. For my
lower level students though most of the resources are not usable. It is inappropriate to ignore
differentiation needs. There are also countless mistakes in the resources and there is still quite a
bit of misalignment with what our standards say.
10/23/2018 12:33 PM
47 I do not have any comments or questions at the time. 10/23/2018 10:38 AM
48 My primary concern for Math 3 from the first 2 units I have done is the depth and practice students are getting. Are they prepared for honors Precalculus? Previous year curriculum had absolute value equations and inequalities, composite functions, operations on functions. Are they missing now? Parents are showing frustrations when the lessons are student driven. They have the fear that the answers are not completely accurate or not complete. Are teachers expected to
supplement additional resources for honors classes?
10/23/2018 1:05 AM
49 I was very frustrated last year due to trying to implement the curriculum as instructed but not
having enough time to do so. I was unable to get to the last unit and as a result my scores were
lower than they should have been. I am working hard to make adjustments this year to insure that I
am able to expose my students to all 9 units.
10/23/2018 12:46 AM
50 no 10/22/2018 11:52 PM
51 We have had to add some additional scaffolding resources/activities at times to help struggling
10/22/2018 11:39 PM
52 No 10/22/2018 11:27 PM
53 We did not have time to adequately prepare. We were never trained on any algebra strands in our
standards. Much of the content is for different courses because the Common Core Standards for
which this was written and the NC Standards do not align. Time and care was not taken to
adequately match the tasks to our standards. We were not given an overview of all the units in the
training. We spent lots of time doing tasks (which is fine to a point), but we never got a view of the
whole scope and sequence of the course, which is desperately needed to be able to do long-range
planning. I am also concerned about the lack of technology/dynamic applications.
10/22/2018 11:07 PM
54 The workbooks and training can be monotonous. While the spiraling and level of questioning in
MVP is good, I believe teachers were more creative in their activities prior to this.
10/22/2018 10:33 PM
55 Not until very recently have my students really valued the tasks in the curriculum (ie completing
the square tasks with the tiles).
10/22/2018 10:28 PM
56 The MVP materials appear to be a supplement resource to a more comprehensive book which we
do not have. The MVP assumes the students have full and complete mastery of all topics taught in
Math I and Math II and does not give any information whatsoever about previously learned
material. Furthermore the book gives absolutely no objectives, essential questions, agenda but it is
merely a bunch of loosely compiled investigations which may or may not help students gain
knowledge of the global standards in Math III.
10/22/2018 9:19 PM
57 I think the new curriculum implementation is great! The preparation pace is exhausting for a
semester long class.
10/22/2018 9:18 PM
58 Exclusively using one workbook for the course would never give us the best of the best that is out
there amongst other sources. It should be a source not the source.
10/22/2018 8:44 PM
59 The modules have many errors, typos, ect. 10/22/2018 7:58 PM
60 Testing in relation to MVP curriculum.Full integration of MVP is a time consuming process; will this be taken into consideration for testing? What if students are not gaining a better understanding
through MVP? Statistics about how effective this program is will go a long way with both parents
and teachers. Multiple mistakes in the booklet. Should have someone go through and correct
before printing. Overall, I enjoy MVP and what it is trying to do. Something are not how I would
have taught, but overall it is a curriculum that is pushing students to think for themselves instead of
just feeding them information.
10/22/2018 7:38 PM
61 I remain concerned that teachers are not utilizing the design of the program to strongly encourage
students to learn as they go. I believe that the program has perfect compatibility with our IB focus.
10/22/2018 7:35 PM
62 I do not like the MVP curriculum. I believe it needs a lot of supplementing and should not be the
sole curriculum for teacher to go by. I think it's good to supplement with what I already have as that
has worked in the past EOC wise with my students.
10/22/2018 7:33 PM
63 The resources are premised around a 45-minute per day, 180 day per year school calendar.
Stepping into block challenging presents one challenge. Trying to manage the lessons across an
A/B schedule in 90 minute blocks really makes the structure of the curriculum less obvious. The
video resources, question banks and reflection sheets are nice to have as a support but when I
look at the Unit by Unit Standards overview, we are assessing 15 discrete standards per
assessment. The quizzes dial this down some, but when you look at which standard is covered
within which lesson, there is little rhyme or reason to why a lesson may cover a particular
standard. Some standards are covered 2 or 3 times, others only once. The challenge of using the
pre-designed quizzes and tests also means that students only receive a grade every other week in
some cases. Having the flexibility to assess more frequently for a grade within units and lessons is
critical to students having feedback and allowing their grade to address both achievement and
growth. In general, the variety of calendars that MVP is being implemented within seems too
varied considering how faithful we have been asked to be with implementation.
10/22/2018 7:13 PM
64 In implementing both core plus and MVP with fidelity, I find that it does not allow for the same
interaction with math (experiments, and data collection as MVP). The content however is more
10/22/2018 7:12 PM
65 I would love to see there be a separate setting for high school vs. middle school because the
amount of days to cover a certain unit is different.
10/22/2018 7:05 PM
66 MVP is not good for math 1A and B student or for students with disabilities. 10/22/2018 7:02 PM
67 The curriculum needs to be proof read there are mistakes in every lesson - as in the problems
provided do not work out.
10/22/2018 4:00 PM
68 The curriculum makes me feel rushed in the implementation. I feel like I have no time to
differentiate or intervene when the students are struggling. A lot of the tasks are good, but some
feel contrived. There is not enough practice of the skills within the curriculum.
10/22/2018 3:23 PM
69 I used the MVP last year. Not sure if this year's materials are any different. So far, it appears the
answer is no. I am disappointed to see that many of the suggestions we made to the county about
"improving the materials (typos, spacing, content that is not required) was NOT fixed. That is
10/22/2018 2:07 PM
70 I have concerns regarding how well it is aligned with the NCSCOS. MVP is not designed around
the standards, but rather there are unfulfilled attempts at making the standards fit to the
curriculum. The design is off - the MVP curriculum is covering topics that are not represented in
the states end of course assessments / standard course of study
10/21/2018 5:39 PM
71 The district has dropped the ball with MVP. There are holes and gaps everywhere in the
curriculum. We, the teachers, are finding all the mistakes or holes. This curriculum supposedly has
been in the county's hands for years. The district (Sonja and Anna) should be finding the holes,
filling them and providing feedback for us. They have not been helpful, give vague answers, and
say they are focusing on other items when we ask questions about MVP Math 2. A county outline,
suggested pace, missing items/standards, etc. should have been made and given to teachers this
summer. The teachers are doing all the work with no help from the district. Utah does not teach
math in the same order as we do in North Carolina. If you have had the curriculum for years, why
didn't the county prepare and fix the problems? Teachers, especially math teachers, are leaving
the profession more and more. This doesn't help. I feel like I am a first year teacher again (year
10), working through this material. I have to make changes and supplement in every unit. This is
less than ideal and it makes it hard to be a good teacher when we are working so hard to change a
curriculum that is meant to be "good to go."
10/19/2018 2:31 PM
72 No. I just think that there are some minor details that the curriculum throws in to quizzes and tests
that are never covered in any previous curriculum that teachers have to be prepared for and
supplement instruction to cover these.
10/19/2018 2:06 PM
73 It appears Wake County has grabbed up yet another new curriculum... In my opinion, this
curriculum does not provide enough instruction for students to learn the material. I've had to
supplement instruction and the students and parents are thanking me for not just doing it the MVP
way. I think this curriculum style may fail our students but I hope I am wrong. The lack of
instruction(just a launch) concerns me the most. The prerequisite skills students come to me with
is a concern since those are needed to complete assignments in the Ready and Go. I'm
concerned about the overall math curriculum,not just as a teacher, but as a parent of a Wake
County student.
10/18/2018 12:36 PM
74 I think as this curriculum gets integrated into higher level math courses there will need to be a lot
more supplemental materials to challenge those upper level students. I think that this is a great
resource for the lower level students to give them something concrete to build upon.
10/18/2018 12:24 PM
75 I previously used Core Plus and had very high success reaching ALL of my students. I feel that
curriculum did a better job in all aspects of teaching.
10/18/2018 12:04 PM
76 NA 10/17/2018 9:49 PM
77 You can't follow the lessons as planned for the upper classes because they didn't have the
previous class in MVP. There are topics in MVP that were not in CCSS.
10/17/2018 6:59 PM
78 I have been told that I have to follow MVP as given and cannot teach any of own lessons that I
have developed over my 13 year career as an educator nor make any modifications. I have a very
hard time dealing with that for the fact that I have put a lot of work into my materials that I use in
my classroom. This curriculum is wonderful with regards to the students working together to
discover the math (which I have always been a proponent for). My personal opinion is that MVP is
great as is Core Plus, but modifications need to be allowed for as with any curriculum. As an
educator who comprehends the importance of differentiating and modifying lessons to meet the
needs of specific classes, this curriculum does not help me do that. There are no structured warmups,
lesson summaries, or enough practice for some of my students. There also seems to be a lot
of extra material in the curriculum that leaves us strapped for time to finish what the students need
in Math 2. I personally feel that lessons should incorporate tactile components or math labs where
students are physically "doing" the discovering. There isn't any of that in MVP. If we keep using the
MVP curriculum, I feel that we should have flexibility with regards to some of the lessons if we feel
that the activities we present would help our students. We shouldn't punish some teachers who go
above and beyond by limiting our creative ability. Just my opinion and I'm sure you can guess who
I am :)
10/17/2018 2:21 PM
79 seems most math teachers are not too excited about new system 10/17/2018 12:18 PM
80 The rigor and expectation have been severely lowered from the previous year. Math 2 10/17/2018 11:27 AM
81 No 10/17/2018 4:09 AM
82 Too much to cover within the scope of a year, the formatting of the workbook is not always ideal,
very concerned about students with low literacy skills. I felt the time in training could have been
used more effectively - instead of just discussing a few sections from the workbook, discuss best
strategies within MVP of introducing and reinforcing material (for the most part, I think MVP does
this really well) and how to differentiate the material.
10/17/2018 2:43 AM
83 They are aligned to the national Common Core standards. Not aligned to the NC Common Core.
Not enough practice. Poorly edited. Problems that require the shape to be a square in order to
discover properties... The shape given is a rectangle. A circle and center are provided to learn
more properties, except the center of the circle is marked incorrectly. No room to show work.
Students are supposed to show diagrams, but have 1/4 inch of space. Some principals chose to
implement MVP 3 early, so those students had not taken MVP 1 or 2... No one listened to teachers
and department chairs when we said not to select this resource. That is what MVP is. Just a
resource. It is not a curriculum. It is not a quality text. It has some good ideas that you could use to
add to your lesson. Who in their right mind would select materials that are not aligned to our
standards. Who in their right mind would adopt and implement a resource that isn’t aligned without
aligning it first? Teachers have spent years staying after hours to develop common core materials
that are actually aligned to the state standards, and now we are being forced to use materials that
are not aligned. Has anyone looked at the constructions unit that is supposed to teach students
how to do Geometric Proofs? Are you kidding me with this one? Suddenly they are supposed to
know the reflexive property and that vertical angles are congruent, simply because you gave them
a proof to do? We are supposed to do flow proofs. See any of those? Nope. A proof reason listed
as a rotation? Not a real thing. 1 or 2 questions to separate Honors and Academic in an entire
unit? Sometimes no difference. They still get honors credit. These materials only further the
students lack of algebraic computational skills which makes Pre-Calculus even harder. Sure we all
enjoy doing the few problems that make the kids think or discover. We were instructed at training
not to give the students the answers, because they would stop working and wait for you to give
them the answers. Then we were told that if it is taking too long you have to help them along with
the answers. There is not enough time in an academic class in a semester setting to do all of the
tasks. Tasks that take 1 day in an honors class can take 3 days in an academic class. So, do you
want them to learn or finish the books? Do you want them to think and collaborate, or wait for the
answers? All in all these resources were poorly evaluated, poorly investigated, poorly aligned, and
poorly implemented. It is shameful to use the kids as guinea pigs to find out what isn’t aligned,
what is too hard, what topics should be moved from one math level to the other. This should have
all been done ahead of time. At the very least, these should have been piloted at volunteer
schools. Clearly these resources were not vetted or we wouldn’t have people scrambling to fix all
the problems. As both a parent and an educator, I find the laissez-faire approach to your fiduciary
responsibility to the students of WCPSS unacceptable.
10/17/2018 2:19 AM
84 My main concern right now is pacing. When you teach a concept using learning tasks, sometimes
students connect with it and master the learning objective and sometimes not. When they don't it
takes more time to teach it. The curriculum the way we adopted it, has more activities/lessons
than days in the school year. That needs to change. The pacing needs to be condensed. It is
10/16/2018 10:45 PM
85 I strongly believe that this curriculum better serves the honors students at our school. The
academic level students become frustrated with a lot of the tasks. As a teacher, I am frustrated
most days because there is never enough time to get ahead and plan the next unit because we
are always trying to learn each task. Our parents expect unit calendars and we are having trouble
anticipating what the pacing will look like. There are many days where I feel as though my
students think I have no idea what I'm doing!
10/16/2018 10:34 PM
86 I like it better my second year after having taught it last year. 10/16/2018 9:23 PM
87 concern: not enough practice for newly learned skills. My students leave a "solidify" activity not
feeling "solidly grounded" in the skill covered. Besides just math, my students have many other
subjects that are vying for time and energy (projects, sports, papers, clubs, family activities, etc.).
To see a newly learned skill later (like two or more units later) is not enough reinforcement or
practice of the skill to insure a student's confidence in their own ability with the subject matter. I
feel like I need to supplement the workbooks that my students use.
10/16/2018 8:40 PM
88 There are many gaps in the curriculum for students who take it in 8th grade. The 7th grade Math
Plus curriculum leaves lots of topics uncovered and there is no time allotted in the sequence of the
units to teach students those concepts.
10/16/2018 7:33 PM
89 I am not happy with the MVP program at all! I have a very diverse population of students and I find this method very difficult to implement particularly to a very large group of very diverse primarily low level students
10/16/2018 6:36 PM
90 None 10/16/2018 6:23 PM
91 I feel that it is difficult for our EL students to fully understand and master. 10/16/2018 6:19 PM
92 The lessons and the Ready Set Go problems do not line up at all. I could use a lesson in the book
to teach completing the square, and the homework asks about slopes of lines...
10/16/2018 6:13 PM
93 I wish that all teachers were buying in to the new materials instead of feeling the need to do major
adjustments (adding material), because they want to revert to lecture and drill from years ago.
10/16/2018 5:32 PM
94 MVP is great for high achieving students and terrible for low performing students who are below
grade level.
10/16/2018 4:51 PM
95 Some of our staff has struggled with filling in the gaps for kids using only the materials provided. 10/16/2018 4:31 PM
96 The tasks are very complex and are not something students tend to be able to do alone. They
need a lot of help through them which takes most of class. The assessments don't match the tasks
as much as I would hope, they also seem to be either right or wrong which isn't a true judge of
student understanding.
10/16/2018 3:41 PM
97 I think the MVP materials are very high quality and I mostly enjoy using them. I am frustrated by
the loss of creativity for me as an instructional leader. If I have lessons/materials that are better for
my students on a given topic, shouldn't I use those instead?
10/16/2018 3:17 PM
98 There is not enough practice items to match with each lesson. 10/16/2018 3:06 PM
99 Mistakes in the booklets are common Not enough practice No warm ups/start to lesson Not
enough room in booklets to work out problems Students don't have the opportunity to get up and
walk around or have fun with the math I understand the purpose of the curriculum, however, I don't
think it was completely well thought out for every state's needs. This program should have been
piloted by several teachers of all levels and all scores on NC Finals before implementing to the
entire staff. Why did we not draw on the expertise of current staff to help create a "booklet" for
each class. There are many good teachers with great student growth scores to draw on.
10/16/2018 3:00 PM
100 I am very concerned with how the MVP curriculum for Math 2 does NOT line up with the NC
standards. We spent a lot of time doing constructions and talking about Quadrilaterals, which is
Math 3. Also Module 1 assumes students had not seen Quads in Math 1. Not sure how valuable
the Module is to our students. Would have loved to have done it in Math I.
10/16/2018 2:16 PM
101 I think the Math 3 curriculum has too much. I seriously doubt I will finish it before the EOC. 10/16/2018 2:14 PM
102 Thank you for implementing this. Please give this one time to work and make teachers invest in it. Some teachers and students will take a bit of time to get used to it so please don't change it in a
couple years.
10/16/2018 1:59 PM
103 When only using this curriculum, how can we be creative and flexible when planning and
10/16/2018 1:53 PM
104 -concerned that there is much material for Math 2 that is not being covered in the MVP modules
and material that is in the modules that is Math 3 standards rather than ours -need a better more
thorough pacing guide then the amount of days per unit
10/16/2018 1:42 PM
105 none 10/16/2018 1:38 PM
106 All be the delivery can be different, if we have a "script" as such we must follow you have deprived the educator of actually educating in their unique and different fashion. I feel this is a good
resource but it should not be a mandated curriculum. I do feel task based learning is beneficial
and I do believe there are some good tasks provided; however this style does not work for every
learner. Just as no set style of delivery works for every child, pigeon-holing the students to "have
to learn through task- base", has done the same exact thing that we claim MVP is fixing- it isn't. It
is making them all learn through task-base. Again this is a beneficial recourse for those who do
learn well this way. This should be used at the teachers discretion.
10/16/2018 1:34 PM
107 How can we be creative and flexible when we need to get through the booklet? 10/16/2018 1:26 PM
108 Ideally the materials would be used in a year long course, not a semester long one. There is not
enough time to cover all of the modules, reviews for assessments, and give the required
assessments. It would be nice to be able to have time to cover all of these things, as well as have
extension days of some lessons to help students better understand the material.
10/16/2018 1:22 PM
109 I do not think there is enough time built in for struggling learners. I also think the students are
bored and more engaging activities should be added to the lesson. It is hard to create my own
because I try to keep up with the pace of the curriculum.
10/16/2018 1:21 PM
110 Teachers have been told that they have to use MVP. It is taking away the freedom as an educator
to use other resources and decide what is best for our students. The practice provided in the
books is not enough. There is no differentiation in the books between honors and academic levels.
10/16/2018 1:14 PM
111 I feel I will have better feedback after teaching it a full year. 10/16/2018 1:07 PM
112 Assessments - we have been given one form of each assessment. Typically we need 2 different
forms for each class and then need to be able to adjust for each school year. Canvas is a mini
solution except that we don't have enough computers for each student to use in class during
assessments. Some of the performance tasks are inadequate as well.
10/16/2018 12:30 PM
113 The material jump around too much from topic to topic, there is not enough practice for kids to
achieve mastery. The wording of the material and the connections that are expected to be made
are geared toward students who already have a high conceptual knowledge of the material. For
students on an academic track, who barely passed the year before and struggle with motivation,
this material leaves them in the dust, making it even more difficult to motivate them when they are
not having success. Even the trainers at the workshops acknowledged that most kids were not
successful with these tasks, and acknowledged that a class could spend an entire class period on
one task and still not come to a solution.
10/16/2018 12:30 PM
114 The students are getting very bored with the style of the lessons. I have no time to help students
that are struggling or adding in my own resources where it is necessary. Several of my students
are falling behind, but the pacing does not allow me to properly help them. Students are constantly
staying in their seats when research shows that students should be moving around and interacting
with the material. I could be creating a much more dynamic learning experience with my own
10/16/2018 12:28 PM
115 The MVP curriculum is a mind shift for many teachers. It is difficult to teach if you are not used to being the facilitator to learning. I believe that more training needs to be done to encourage this
mindset shift in teachers over training on the content. The training was a waste of time for me as I
already teach this way, and working through the modules wasn't helpful. Teachers are stuggling to
use this curriculum with students that are below grade level. Accommodations need to be made for
these students. WCPSS is not equipped to make the accommodations necessary for these
students to be successful. On level students are struggling with how to conceptualize and have
academic conversations about math, students that are 2 or more grade levels below cannot
effectively access this curriculum.
10/16/2018 12:14 PM
116 This resource is amazing! Hands down the best Math I resource I have ever used. 10/16/2018 12:10 PM
117 These books are AWFUL!!!!! The students that I have don't think past their nose, and they do not
find it engaging or helpful. I enjoyed the workshops, but I care about my learning. These books
take away any freedom that I had in the classroom. I do not enjoy them!
10/16/2018 11:43 AM
118 The students do not like the workbooks 10/16/2018 11:33 AM
119 I believe that the MVP materials would be great as it was originally advertised - as a RESOURCE. But for every day mandated use, I believe it has numerous shortcomings.
10/16/2018 11:20 AM
120 This curriculum is very difficult to implement in a yearlong math 1 class in high school. These
students already have a bad relationship with math and reading. This curriculum adds a lot of
reading to the math class while also making the math content more difficult for them to
understand. Even at the honors level there is not enough focus on algebraic skills. I also teach
pre-calculus and I see these students struggling in this class if they have not had enough practice
with algebra skills.
10/16/2018 10:59 AM
121 I like the MVP materials but I still have to supplement parts of the curriculum in order to foster a
higher level of understanding with my students.
10/16/2018 2:54 AM
122 Based on what I have seen, I am unsure if this curriculum is appropriate for our students and is
the "future" of math instruction. I feel like students do not get the basic foundation. I guess,
however, that will not be determined until the first round of students get all the way through this
curriculum and into higher level math courses. I also know that many schools and teachers
supplement this material with the "old" method to ensure students know the material they will be
tested on for the EOC and NCFE.
10/16/2018 12:58 AM
123 In my 22 years of teaching, this is the BEST most ENGAGING way I've every taught! I have taught MVP Math I for two years in 3 different semesters and it continues to grow my students. I get
better and better at implementing it each time! I'm excited about implementing Math II and Math III.
My advice to any teacher who complains about it, is TRUST the process. Your students WILL grow
and improve with each task and each module!
10/16/2018 12:45 AM
124 The idea is nice and I can see it working well with upper level students. I do not think that it is
conducive to the way lower level students learn and become proficient in a thought process or
skill. I do see how the curriculum spirals, but I am finding that it is difficult for the students to make
the necessary connections.
10/16/2018 12:18 AM
125 We were told the new curriculum resource would be adapted to meet the NC standards and it has
not. To give specific examples: WCPSS Unit 7 - MVP 5.3 - medians, angle bisectors, etc are not in
the NCCM2 standards, yet it is in the curriuculum. Also, the NCM2 standard NC.M2.G-CO.9 in
particular "Use congruent triangles to justify why the bisector of an angle is equidistant from the
sides of the angle" is not found anywhere in the MVP materials. I understand we can supplement
and edit, but we are told not to skip and it would not be wise to, however, it is our job to teach the
NCM2 standards and I expect my county leaders to provide me with a curriuculum that does such.
The quadratics units are poorly designed and written, with module numbers jumping. In particular,
wcpss Unit 5 has task numbers that jump. This makes it seem thrown together. There are more
examples of things in the MVP documents that are not NCM2 standards, and there are other
standards not covered. But I am not sure I have the time here to finish covering it all.
10/15/2018 11:32 PM
126 The curriculum is fantastic for AG students and self-motivated students. True honors level
students do particularly well. Academic students are struggling with this material. The curriculum
does not teach them at their true academic level. As long as Wake County allows “open
enrollment” at the high school level, this curriculum will not meet the academic needs of low level
or true grade level students.
10/15/2018 11:15 PM
127 No. 10/15/2018 10:55 PM
128 I have several concerns. First of all, there is no "honors" level materials so my colleagues and I
have had to adapt these materials to our honors course. This has taken hours and hours of our
time. The assessments that are posted online are multiple choice and matching questions, which
are low level. Our school is focusing on authentic assessments and we are using these as
examples of what NOT to use... so we have to create all new assessments. And the materials from
Utah are not accurately aligned to the NC standards. There are gaps in the students' knowledge
so we've had to fill in as we go, which cuts into the time we have to do the tasks in the MVP
materials. It was almost impossible for us to develop long range plans for this because of the fact
that you have to actually DO the tasks to figure out which objectives are presented and there are
not enough days in the semester to get it all in.
10/15/2018 10:29 PM
129 Implementation of the new Math 3 materials/curriculum has been frustrating. Some of the student resources for units were just made available for Units 3 - 10 today (10/15). My students started Unit 3 in September and are currently in the middle of Unit 4 so it was a little late to help support my students through these units. Many of the books have typos which is frustrating to me as the teacher, the students, and to parents. I make the students aware of these as we go through
modules. The pacing given to us by the county hasn't been on target so we have had to adjust as
we venture through the course (we won't be able to cover all the content between learning MVP
pacing and the hurricanes). In my academic course I believe that some of the tasks need a lot of
front loading so that students will be successful. My LEP students struggle because they can't
read the tasks much less understand what is going on. Some of the homework sets (Ready, Set,
Go-s) have students learning in the middle of it...I do like this but it is hard for the LEP students
and my lower level readers in general. My students haven't been exposed to MVP Math 1 and
Math 2 so being thrown into the MVP style as a junior or a senior in high school is frustrating to
them. They are used to a traditional format and switching this up 2/3 of the way through the cycle
hasn't been beneficial to some students. I thoroughly believe that MVP could be a great
resource...yes resource not curriculum. As an experienced educator I feel that teachers should be
able to weave these tasks into their course as necessary. These tasks take a lot of time if they are
done correctly thus with the time constraints of 18 weeks and amount of content our course
teaching the MVP way everyday is not possible. Students and teachers would enjoy the
experience more if teachers could be their authentic selves versus the scripted robot that MVP
makes us out to be. I love some of the tasks in MVP but not all of them we should be able to pick
and choose as we go. The assessments are also not reflective of what NC tests have been in the
past so I fear that they may not align with the new EOC. Another issue we are having is editing the
tests is often hard because they are PDFs files...not user friendly. Again, MVP is great with content
but it should be a resource for us not our defined teaching style. Teachers are losing their
authentic selves with a program like this.
10/15/2018 10:29 PM
130 Better layout in the workbook to allow for students to write answers (i.e. Unit 2.1,2.2 really needs a graph for students to fill out verses blank space). Due to the nature of the curriculum, it is pretty hard for ESL students because there are not enough visual supports for non-English users. The
WCPSS teacher notes are GREAT, some of the suggested activities would be nice if a worksheet
was already made for a supplement in case it was needed.
10/15/2018 10:06 PM
131 I really like MVP. My only concern is that there are certain types of EOC Questions that are not
addressed within the curriculum (sometimes just not enough- like exponential decay and
compound interest). But after teaching MVP Math 1 last year, I am more aware of where and how I
need to extend this resource to better cover the EOC (state test).
10/15/2018 9:37 PM
132 I love it! 10/15/2018 9:29 PM
133 The sequence of lessons is sometimes confusing to me. Also, there is so much text and context
and I wish there were more supports for ELL students.
10/15/2018 8:50 PM
134 None 10/15/2018 8:43 PM
135 Not enough practice time to master skills. More tasks than days in semester. MVP does not fit in a semester.
10/15/2018 8:36 PM
136 Very limited creativity, teacher is just a babysitter and have to provide ALOT of supplemental
notes. There is no focus on skills needed, and very limited to know exactly where students are
without giving quizzes! Students arent mature enough to handle "learning through experience"
10/15/2018 8:34 PM
137 69 lessons + 9 performance tasks + 9 tests -- there is not enough time in the semester to cover all
of this material. After asking what we can "skip", we have been told to teach as far as we can and
skip the ending. This will not help the next level teacher as the students will not have what they
were supposed to have coming in. There is no time to slow down when students are struggling.
There is not enough time in a class period to finish an entire lesson. Students are not completing
their part outside of class leaving them lost when they get in class the next day. Students who
struggled before are struggling even more with this material as our classes are not designed like
they are in Utah. Honors (higher level), regular (mid level), and foundations (low level) students
are split so there are not students of differing levels in the room for peer to peer sharing. Although I
love the material, it is not very accessible for our EL students or our students who struggle with
reading comprehension. 10/15/2018 8:32 PM
138 The way the MVP 2 and MVP curriculum is paced, review and remediation are not built into the
curriculum. For example, take a high school student who has a year of the MVP 1 curriculum, but
their next math class isn't until the Spring semester of the following year. The student may need a
review of math concepts, but the way the MVP 2 and MVP 3 curriculum is paced, reviews are not
10/15/2018 8:10 PM
139 In theory, it is a great idea. 10/15/2018 8:00 PM
140 Not convinced that the material covers everything necessary for the NCFE. Too much
supplementing required. Would not be in favor of renewing MVP's contract.
10/15/2018 7:55 PM
141 If you're a teacher reading this and you've ever gotten a test, quiz, or activity a colleague created
that they clearly hadn't worked out themselves, you know how stressful and frustrating it feels to
receive a half-baked resource. That's how MVP Math 2 feels. There are a lot of teachers in
WCPSS who seem to absolutely hate MVP and all things associated. I am not in that bunch. A lot
of activities are really wonderful, like teaching completing the square with actual squares. Proofs
have gone better than they ever have before. That being said, it is obvious that the curriculum was
rolled out too early. This isn't my deduction. This has actually been alluded to by the leaders at the
training sessions. Honestly, the homework is awful. It sometimes does not lend itself to what was
taught that day during class, or even recently. Often, prior knowledge is required for student
learning, but when irrelevant prior knowledge is thrown into the homework, it throws the focus of
my academic level students. Additionally, the planning and pacing of the content is absurd at
times. For example, Unit 3 focuses on identifying quadratic functions and comparing them to
exponential and linear functions. This is a great exploration for a day or two--not an entire unit!
This comes at the price of taking time away from more advanced skills. And don't even get me
started on the mess that is Unit 5. Ultimately, my frustration comes from the way MVP has been
implemented. MVP, like any other curriculum, has good things and bad things. I would love to have
the autonomy as an experienced teacher to use the good and supplement the bad. WCPSS
teachers know what students need in their respective areas of this very diverse county better than
anyone. However, I have been told that if someone comes in my classroom and doesn't see MVP
material being used exclusively, I can get in trouble. I resent MVP being used as a stick to beat
teachers with. I don't know if this was said to scare teachers who don't intend to try MVP at all, but
I wish I wasn't being punished for the choices of teachers who refuse to buy in. Finally, what's with
training us while we are already teaching the course? What was the harm in waiting a year to
really perfect things? This urgency came at the expense of teacher comfort and, more importantly,
student learning. In summary, I am stressed, restricted, and unimpressed by the MVP curriculum
10/15/2018 7:52 PM
142 The new curriculum is very well put together, however when a student is low in reading then this is not the best way for them to do math.
10/15/2018 7:50 PM
143 The materials do not match the NC Standards for Math 1, 2 and 3. MVP is a great resource IF
used correctly. The materials are intended to be used from start to finish. You CANNOT rearrange
how the units are to be completed. Some of the units in MVP Math 2 are in the NC Math 3
curriculum. Some of the units in NC Math 1 units are in MVP math 2...what a mess.
10/15/2018 7:50 PM
144 I like the curriculum and its pedagogical approach. It is a shock to the students, especially honors
students because they are so accustomed to computing a correct answer based on a given
algorithm. We need resources for students who are struggling. For instance, I think there comes a
point in the struggle where a student may need to simply complete some drill sheets.
10/15/2018 7:48 PM
145 Would really like a pacing guide for A/B day schools. Also, more testing resources, multiple
versions, etc.
10/15/2018 7:43 PM
146 I feel that many of my students are not willing to go for it and utilize this material, and I am doing my best to implement it in the way that it was intended.
10/15/2018 7:35 PM
147 Nothing was wrong with the curriculum before MVP. MVP for low math level students is not
working effectively.
10/15/2018 7:35 PM
148 I do not see the purpose of some of these lessons. It is unclear how it relates to material that we
are teaching later. Most of Unit 2 seems unnecessary for the rest of the course. I have completed
Unit 3 and I still do not see how completing that material helps out with anything for the rest of the
10/15/2018 7:32 PM
149 I think that the tasks overall are okay but the Ready, Set, Go's do not provide adequate practice
on topics and are at a level that is not accessible to my level of students.
10/15/2018 7:30 PM
150 The pacing of modules should be changed. Students need to learn first solving equations to use in
other modules
10/15/2018 7:29 PM
151 There isn't any time provided for differentiation for lower level students. I teach mainly inclusion
students, which means some have an IEP and some are just very low. Kids are not used to having
this thrown at them. They are used to being taught. I think we must scaffold so much and chunk all
the information, which wasn't the attention of the original curriculum. This curriculum is great for
higher level students. I had the impression I shouldn't supplement anything else, but my students
need the extra practice/support. There isn't enough of that in the curriculum itself. I also think
some of sort notes/wrap up should have been integrated after every learning cycle so students
would have concrete things to review. It is very word heavy, which I know the exam does have. But
maybe chunking it in a different manner would have been helpful instead of everything so bam at
one time.
10/15/2018 7:28 PM
152 This is the worst curriculum I have seen in over 20 years. 10/15/2018 7:25 PM
There were 3 other comment type questions and I'm not going to paste the comments here, as the purpose of this blog post is to show what was missing from the SAC meeting, and I have spent hours on this already. Both Q15 and Q16 contained many short positive comments as the nature of the questions were soliciting positive comments. Q17 responses continued the trend of more negative comments than positive.
- Q15 What benefits or opportunities do you see for students in this new curriculum?
- Q16 What do you see as celebrations in implementing the new curriculum?
- Q17 What do you perceive to be your biggest challenges in implementing the new curriculum?
Here is MY summary of the general themes that I believe any reasonable person would have concluded from reading the comments above:
- A few teachers like MVP
- Many teachers think MVP has some good tasks in it, but think it should be a supplement (or should be supplemented) not the main or stand-alone curriculum
- Lack of class time is a key issue (semester vs year long, does not fit in a semester, etc.)
- Differentiation is an issue. This was identified by many with respect to struggling learners and EL students, and some with respect to Honors students, while some teachers thought it was best geared FOR Honors students.
- Many mistakes and errors in the materials
- Doesn't align to NC standards
- Teachers aren't allowed to supplement (but some do it anyway)
- Feelings of being restricted in creativity and flexibility
- Not enough practice or homework problems
- Materials don't align to assessments
The only one of these points covered in the November 2018 SAC was #1. And all 10 comments are ones that other parents and I have been reciting to the BoE since February 2018!
Now, Let's Look at the Cherry-Picked Data Chart
Ms. Tucker, I have a question for you I'm hoping you can answer. At the Nov 2018 SAC meeting, your name was listed on this set of charts.
(I showed screen shot of the charts above)
Since this chart had very little in the way of explanation, I submitted a public records request to understand more about it. When that response was received from Dr. Tillery in late March, I learned and the numbers used to calculate the 2 figures, and that this data represents high school only.
Recently, Brad McMillen presented this data to the BoE:

And he explained this was GLP for middle and high schools. I have since received some additional information which gives this MS+HS data for CCR, and to one decimal place for the GLP.
The resulting table for both data sets is this:
As you are well aware, the 1.5% and 1.9% improvement numbers were cited repeatedly by WCPSS (and indirectly by MVP) when talking about the first year of MVP "success" in WCPSS. While there is not a big difference in the numbers 1.5, 1.9, 0.8 and 1.0, the observation I have is that the HS-only numbers (1.5 and 1.9) were indeed better than the MS+HS numbers (0.8 and 1.0).
My question to you is: Since your name was on that November 2018 presentation, do you know why WCPSS chose high school data for a "Year 1 MVP" readout instead of the more comprehensive MS+HS view? (I have asked this to Brad and he does not know)
And if you don't know, then the question goes to Tim Simmons: Can you please find out the answer to this question?
Thank you,
Blain Dillard
Her response on 11/19/2019 was this:
Hello Mr. Dillard,
If memory serves me correctly, our conversation during that meeting was focused on implementation of MVP in high school. Using the data that was available at the time and the focus of the conversation, we chose to only include high school scores.
Thanks, ~Michelle
Michelle TuckerDirector K-12 MathematicsWake County Public Schoolsmtucker@wcpss.net(919) 533-7020
My response on 11/20/2019 was this:
Ms. Tucker, Are you sure you want to use that answer?
The performance data for 2017-18 for all grades was made available to the public Oct 3, 2018. So how can you say that WCPSS didn't have all the data for your 11/19/2018 presentation?
This link: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/reporting/
This file...
...contains this data-stamp:
Additionally, I checked the charts used at that meeting. This chart....
was followed soon by the chart in question, which as we all know, was not labelled.
Also, the meeting minutes mention nothing about it being only about high school, though they are pretty sparse in general.
Additionally, the chart continued to be used well beyond November 2018 and was never updated nor any caveats provided that it was only high school data until I asked for that in a public records request in March.
Are you willing to testify under oath that the data used was for high school only because that was the focus of the meeting and that was the only data available? I can also ask the others in attendance at that SAC meeting to see if they remember anything.
Sorry to be a pain but this little chart has had big implications to me and other parents. So we're just trying to get the facts straight.
Blain Dillard
As of January 1, 2020, I never received a response to that.
That is when I sought - and obtained - the audio for that meeting.
Here is the transcription of the audio where the data chart is discussed:
Michelle Tucker (48:17) "So as a reminder, we implemented Math 1 one last year, both middle school and high school. This year, we are rolling out math two. And then math three is on a voluntary basis. So we have 16, high schools and middle schools who are rolling now who volunteer to roll out MVP in Math three. We know as Sherri talked about with the research behind implementation science that we generally don't see, in fact, we actually see a dip, usually in student achievement for the first two to three years when you implement a new curriculum. So we can't say that the new rollout last year actually caused these results. But we do hope that there's some correlation there that we see. So we had some small gains there in grade level proficiency and college and career ready scores for our EOCs for Math one."
So in summary...
- The data shown at the November 2018 SAC was high school only.
- This data was cited REPEATEDLY throughout 2019 by WCPSS and even appeared in an MVP social media post (See Why My MVP Golf Score Improved, and other Exaggerations)
- This data was slightly better than the data that would have also included middle schools.
- Both sets of data were available to the public on October 3, 2018 (6+ weeks before the SAC).
- Michelle Tucker's explanation claimed the focus of MVP at the SAC was high school only, yet the charts, meeting audio and transcript, and meeting minutes contradict that explanation.
- In fact, she specifically talks about middle and high school when introducing the MVP charts.
So, while there is not a huge difference in the numbers shown and the numbers that were available and should have been shown, this SEEMS to have been an attempt to paint a more positive picture to the BoE and public than was reality.

I have summarized the findings in each section already, so if I hope I don't need to elaborate much further. The bottom line is that WCPSS senior staff severely misinformed the Board (and the public) at the November 2018 SAC. By not revealing any of the ample bad news or feedback about MVP, they maintained / increased the grip of MVP's hold in WCPSS and the resolve of the Board to continue to
fund MVP and
defend staff and the Curriculum Review Committee, without the benefit of all the facts. This November 2018 SAC set the stage for what has continued and what will continue until there is a change in leadership from the Board to the Superintendent to the middle management senior staff who is fooling them all - BUT NOT ME AND OTHER PARENTS - on a daily basis.
Here's a link to a 10 minute video I made for the school board summarizing this blog post.
WCPSS Staff Didn't Reveal the Whole Story About MVP at November 2018 Student Achievement Committee
UPDATE January 28, 2020